
So overall L has been a pretty smiley guy these past few days. His smiles are full body experiences so a still frame doesn’t really do justice. He conveniently uses these smiles to melt mom’s heart. For example; when it is 6:00am, mom can hardly see straight and L is up for the day ready to play and when he has a dirty diaper down to his toes. L starts talking, smiling and kicking with excitement and he quickly changes from being a pain in my butt to my precious peanut.

Two other things that I am thankful for are: L has remembered how to fall asleep without crying for half and hour first and how to sleep at night without being held.

4 thoughts on “Smiles”

  1. Sooo good to see a picture of that smiling face again – I miss him already! Really glad you’re all back home safe, sound & healthy. We’ll talk soon. And Pam – say a fond farewell to those sleep-deprived brain cells! 😉

  2. wow! it is amazing to see how much he has grown just by looking at the pictures on your blog.

    so, how has his personality developed? what kind of little guy is he?

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