It’s hard to imagine that K has been with us for for only three years, I can’t remember life without her. She is such a delight, bouncing with energy and joy. She loves her ballet classes which she finally can claim as “all mine”, instead of waiting for L to be done his stuff.
To her the whole world is something to be discovered. She is getting braver in her discoveries too; cats are now delightful especially Twinkle and Sunshine.
With L in school she has become my little shadow which is lots of fun, but terrifying as well.
She loves to have tea parties, play with play dough and her latest past time is playing with spoons. The spoons are characters, talk to each other and make phone calls. Her favourite song is Down by the Bay and “choir music”. She is already keeping time and practicing her conducting skills. She still loves “Bee”, I don’t think we are parting with that blanket any time soon.
Happy Birthday K, I’m so glad that we get to be part of your life.