“I don’t like green beans!”

These days L can put all sorts of sentences together, even ones a parent doesn’t want to hear. L informed us of his long suspected dislike for green beans the other day at the supper table. I was reading the comics at work and came across this Baby Blues strip and even though it is not exactly the same I found it funny.

Instead my comment to L had been something like “Something may not always be your favourite but you have to have a bite.”

Living the routine

Two weeks since we blogged; I am surprised that no one has been dropping not so subtle hints. Life here has been uneventful which right now is really nice. Lowell is either watching L at home or working at the university. Right now he is in search of a dissertation topic and preping for his course. L and I spend Wednesday mornings at the library and the rest of our time is spent having “superduper fun” (he must have picked that up in the church nursery).

L and Daddy often pull out the Dominos or “Matching Game” out when I am working. It starts out as matching but ends up being used as a train track.

Has L discovered a solution for the American economic crisis? Oatmeal boots!

This past Sunday L did not want to leave the church nursery, first time ever that he sent me away. He continued to play “church” when we got home. Here he is leading his choir.

Watching the Game

L’s naps in the afternoon are few and far between. I still make him have rest time in the afternoon so that I can have a nap. Tuesday when I went to get him out of the crib after his hour he was chatting non stop. He and his two friends Mr Lion and Gee were sitting at the back of the crib watching the game. L was calling the play by play action and even bounced across the crib like a basketball and cheered “score”. Apparently we have a budding basketball fan after watching the Spurs and the Celtics play Sunday afternoon.

With so much energy to burn we went outside to play in the snow. It is melting outside so L was tossing snowballs into the puddles.