
L wins the prize for K’s first smiles. She is sharing them more frequently now, but they are tricky to capture on camera.

Being a big brother is hard work though. For a boy who hates naps they have to kind of sneak up on him.

We are starting to enjoy the Advent season around here. Yesterday was the official start of advent, but we started last week since we are flying out of here in 2 1/2 weeks. Christmas oranges are out and since we are all enjoying them we are already on our 3rd box. L wants to do more and more things himself, tackling a Clementine is one of them.

One month old already, I can’t believe it!

Will she ever be big enough to play with me?

I hear this question or a variation of it daily. L does his best to “play” with her; he keeps her informed on what he is doing and shows her all his toys. She rarely has her head turned in the right direction so his dialogue to her is peppered with “Let her turn her own head!”

K however will lie quietly and listen to him “read” her a story and for now that makes him happy.

A Week in Pictures

Hard to believe that she is one week old already. Here we are getting ready to leave the hospital.

At home L continued to be completely captivated with his new baby sister.

We are all enjoying having Grandma here.

K is a good baby; when she is awake she spends her time taking in the world.

One week old today.