Camping in August

It’s been a while since we were camping at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park near Moose Jaw, but I just realized that we haven’t posted any pictures.

We had a great time. The kids handled the drive without complaining and we can’t complain about our campsites. Saturday morning we were happy to still be at the same campsite after the rain/wind storm during the night. K did alot of complaining at the wind and flapping tarps during the storm so she wasn’t the most rested Saturday am, but she was a good trooper. Saturday we went for a short hike and did some off roading up and down the hills. It was a good hike as long as you didn’t step on a cactus.

Sunday morning we went for a bike ride, it is getting to be a bit of a custom for us to ride our bikes down to the shore and then back up and down to the campsite. This bike ride cannot be described as purely enjoyable it is more of a battle between wills and muscles. Apparently we are all stubborn!

The afternoons we spent at the beach; Saturday it felt a bit cool down by the water, but Sunday was very hot and it felt good to cool off. Something clicked for L this time in the water. He trusted his life jacket, let his feet come off the ground and practiced his swimming. Now my boy who hates baths needs to over come his fear of having water on his face. Having so much fun is hard work though.

Chicken Pox

This is what L looked like after his bath yesterday, and K woke up this morning not feeling very well.

When we first noticed the spots appearing, Pam and I thought they were mosquito bites–we had just come back from a weekend of camping. But then we noticed that the spots were appearing in L’s armpits and on his upper thighs, not places where you typically get mosquito bites. Then we started putting two and two together. “Cousin” M came over for a visit a while back shortly after he was exposed to Chicken Pox. Does L have CP? It sure looks like it.

But he can’t have CP. He was immunized against it. One of the things about being born in Massachusetts is that you are required to be immunized for certain things, one of which is Chicken Pox. Pam and I thought it was unnecessary, but we didn’t really have a choice; certain things were required by law and some things just came with the particular vaccine that is given to children there. Anyway, L and K were supposedly immunized for CP. He hasn’t complained at all about not feeling well, so maybe he has enough immunity to avoid feeling ill, but not enough to prevent all symptoms.

Rainbow Falls

Pam was working on Sunday about a week and a half ago, so I decided, on a whim, to take the kids to see Rainbow Falls. We packed a lunch, got in the car, and drove out to Whiteshell. When we got to our destination, I was disappointed. I realized that the falls I wanted to take our kids to go see wasn’t Rainbow Falls—I’m still trying to remember the name of the falls that I wanted to go see. After I got over my disappointment, I realized that we could have some fun playing in the water anyway. The falls I intended to take the kids to are much bigger and not the kind that you can play around in. Thus, I didn’t take along any swimwear or life jackets. But we made do. K splashed around in her diaper and L rolled up his pant legs. They got wet anyway, but we were lucky enough to find a dry pair of pants in the car after the fun was over. We stopped for some ice cream on the way home.

Somewhere along the line, L learned how to make silly to the camera.