This is what L looked like after his bath yesterday, and K woke up this morning not feeling very well.
When we first noticed the spots appearing, Pam and I thought they were mosquito bites–we had just come back from a weekend of camping. But then we noticed that the spots were appearing in L’s armpits and on his upper thighs, not places where you typically get mosquito bites. Then we started putting two and two together. “Cousin” M came over for a visit a while back shortly after he was exposed to Chicken Pox. Does L have CP? It sure looks like it.
But he can’t have CP. He was immunized against it. One of the things about being born in Massachusetts is that you are required to be immunized for certain things, one of which is Chicken Pox. Pam and I thought it was unnecessary, but we didn’t really have a choice; certain things were required by law and some things just came with the particular vaccine that is given to children there. Anyway, L and K were supposedly immunized for CP. He hasn’t complained at all about not feeling well, so maybe he has enough immunity to avoid feeling ill, but not enough to prevent all symptoms.