Outdoor Fun

There have been several birthdays in our extended families over the past weeks. The weather has been beautiful, so we’ve celebrated them outdoors: at Birds Hill Provincial Park, the Assiniboine Park Zoo, and at Shady Oaks Campground.

K is drawn like a magnet to anything she can climb.

Here L is enjoying some quality time with Aunt C in our backyard. The brush in the background is from my efforts to tame one of the trees in the backyard. The title to our Outback finally arrived yesterday and we were finally able to bring it into Canada. I had to tame the tree so that we could park the Jetta on the cement pad.

Even better than eating a marshmallow is roasting it on an open fire.

Pretty soon cousin T will be as active as K is.

Here L is showing off his bocce ball technique.

A Whirlwind Month

Wow! It’s been a busy month. It’s hard to believe that a month ago we were still in our Massachusetts apartment. So much has happened since then. We loaded the Uhaul, drove the 3000 kilometers to Manitoba, unloaded, visited some family and friends, and tried to orient ourselves in our new setting. I think we’re about 90% unpacked. It would be nice if I was that far along in reacquainting myself with my dissertation. With all that’s happened in the last month, the dissertation feels like a world away. Hopefully that changes soon. Here are some photos.

Before we left Massachusetts, some of us went to go see the basketball hall of fame in Springfield.

Some of the nice things about being back in Manitoba are the big sky

and getting fed cake and ice cream and Grandma and Grandpa’s.