Merry Christmas

The weather outside is definitely not frightful. We have been outside playing in the snow in Pansy. L and K discovered a new kind of winter fun; the four wheeler!

It was a hit with everybody, K informed me that she didn’t fall off when she went for her ride.
Unfortunately L and L and K came down with the flu yesterday afternoon and cut their visit to Grandma and Grandpa’s short. Thankfully I am not yet sick, not sure if it is just a ticking time bomb or if I will escape. Finally after L decided to go to the Philosophy Conference he ended up staying home this morning, perferring not to spend his time in Washington in a hotel bathroom.

How Do You Like My Chances?

I received the following email today

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in the Tulane Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in the Humanities. We have received over 500 applications for our 2-3 postdoctoral fellowship positions.

The Mellon Committee will review the applications and will determine a short list by the end of January 2012. We expect to have a final list by the middle of Feburary. We will contact you if we have questions.


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