Contrary to some people’s opinion we are still here, but spring is also here so we have been spending our free time outside. We have been enjoying 28 to 30 degree Celsius weather. Suddenly in the past few days everything has turned green and started blooming. Sorry to hear that some places in Manitoba had snow flurries on the weekend.
What have we been up to? Basically more of the same I guess. Lowell is putting in time at the university and constructing towers with L when he is home.
I am hoping that my days of dragging myself around are almost done. It doesn’t feel like it is taking me quite as long to recover from my 2 night shifts a week. L had a bit of a cold last week, so he did nap a couple of times that week. However other than those circumstances he is all done napping, I think that I will give in and stop “rest” time in the afternoons too. He is getting louder and busier during nap times instead of quieter and calmer. Nursery time at church is good at playing L out, so he was more willing to cuddle on Sunday afternoon.
Today I was doing some housecleaning which included scrapping some boxes that had been hanging around. L picked one up that I had flattened crawled inside and thought he looked like a robot. I helped by giving him armholes. Now he is playing “Wall-E” and I am supposed to be “Eva”