Celebration Day

We’ve had some birthdays lately, but no time to really celebrate.  On the 2nd we took the last day of summer vacation to have some fun and celebrate.  We went to the zoo in the morning to see the new changes, apparently that is the time to visit the zoo.  Tho polar bears were being fed,

afterwards they went for a swim in their new pool.  This feature is actually pretty neat.

 The cats were active, the tigers were moving around, not just pacing and the lions were roaring at each other.  Nothing is quite the same as feeling the roar of a lion.

 Last year’s lobster meal was such a hit that we thought we would try something new again: crab legs.  It was a sealed deal when I found them on sale.

 Don’t they look good, we quite enjoyed them.  They only thing that L and K would have changed was the quantity available to them.

Visting in Westman

September is flying by in blur of activity.  A person doesn’t even have enough time to enjoy it never mind blog about it.  So jumping back to August and some end of vacation fun, we headed out to Riding Mountain for one last visit.  L caught his first fish a freshwater drum or silver bass.  He didn’t want to touch it to pose for his photo, Uncle B came to his rescue.

The next day was Saturday of the long weekend and we planned a day out.  Grandpa called in a favour and got his hands on a “party bus”.  The kids particularly liked that there were no seatbelts, and got a kick out of calling Grandpa “Corny, the driver of the day”.

We headed to Shiloh to visit the reptile gardens.  Interesting, creepy but interesting.  I think L was the only one who actually had a good time, but I am glad we went.  I have never seen alligators or maybe they were crocodiles (they had both) that are as big as I am.  The albino constrictors were particularly creepy, but I was tempted to buy a baby turtle.

Next we visited the Shiloh Artillery Museum, everyone tried out the big guns,

K was especially pleased to find one that was operated by women.  “Girls can do this too!”