L is learning new tricks every day. Just over a week ago, he started vocalizing. (Technically he’s been vocalizing since he was born–crying is a sort of vocalization. But recently he’s learned that he can use his voice for other things too.) He can, as you see in the picture, hold his head up on his own. Of course, if his head moves too far over center, it still gets a little heavy for him. He can almost roll over by himself, and he loves to kick his legs furiously when they aren’t restricted by blankets and clothing. He is even growing in some fuzz to cover his bald head.
Month: February 2007
Quality Time
New Wheels
So we did some shopping today. We bought some new clothes for Pam, and we bought a stroller for L. It actually took us several shopping trips to decide on a stroller. Some fold up more compactly than others. Some are better built than others. Some come with a carseat. Some come with teeny tiny wheels that would be a nightmare on anything other than a sidewalk. Anyway, we eventually bought a stroller exactly like the one in the picture. The funds for the stroller came from generous family members. Thank you.
A Dose of Realism
It snowed last night, and today they decided to cancel classes. I’m not sure that there is enough snow to warrant it. But hey, we’re not dealing with hearty Manitobans here.
While trying to decide what to do with my day “off”, it occurred to me that I might insert a little dose of realism into our blog. By looking at the pictures of L that we’ve posted here, one might get the impression that L is always smiling and posing for cute pictures. But that would be a mistaken impression. L also spends a lot of time doing what he’s doing in the following pictures.
Is he cuter crying or smiling? (Yes, according to Webster, ‘cuter’ is a word.)
Growing Like a Weed
Departing From the Norm
I guess I probably owe some of my family members an apology. When I made my Christmas wish list, I said that I wanted some shirts. I even included some measurements on my list in the hope that it would make finding shirts easier for whoever wanted to buy some for me. Well, I didn’t get any shirts for Christmas. My shoppers reported that I was impossible to buy for and that, if I wanted shirts, I would have to go buy them myself.
I confess that my shoppers didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. I know that it is impossible to buy shirts that fit me. That’s why I included shirts on my wish list. I was hoping someone else would have more luck than I have had. The problem with buying shirts that fit me is that my arms are unusually long for my neck size. If you don’t believe me, try finding a shirt with a 16-16.5 inch neck with sleeves that are 36-37 inches long. It’s impossible—well, almost impossible. I managed to find a few yesterday! I had to walk through every store in the mall to find some, but I found some. (Finding clothes that fit would be so much easier if clothing retailers had more interest in clothing people than in turning a profit. It’s not profitable to make (and stock) shirts in my size; there aren’t enough people like me around to make it profitable to do so. It must be nice to be an average-sized person; every store has clothing in your size.) To my frustrated shoppers: if you want to see what your money bought, come to Massachusetts; I’ll model them for you.
So overall L has been a pretty smiley guy these past few days. His smiles are full body experiences so a still frame doesn’t really do justice. He conveniently uses these smiles to melt mom’s heart. For example; when it is 6:00am, mom can hardly see straight and L is up for the day ready to play and when he has a dirty diaper down to his toes. L starts talking, smiling and kicking with excitement and he quickly changes from being a pain in my butt to my precious peanut.
Two other things that I am thankful for are: L has remembered how to fall asleep without crying for half and hour first and how to sleep at night without being held.