Final Ballet Class

K had her final ballet class of the season.

She thought it was great, I don’t know much about ballet but it seemed that the instructors were actually trying to teach them something.  Highlights for her were socializing with her new friends (one in particular) and wearing the dresses provided by the teachers.

There isn’t a formal recital, parents are just allowed to watch the last class.  However there was a bit of a rehearsed dance.  K in the pink is a seed.

The seeds are woken up and they grow and turn into flowers.

Cousin L’s Birthday

Cousin L turned 1 recently and we were all at Grandpa and Grandma L’s to celebrate it.  The winter has blown some big drifts onto the yard and L, K, and cousin T spent some time enjoying them.

Grandpa traded off the snowmobile on a 4-wheeler, so of course everyone had to enjoy it.  K and L both took a number of rounds on Uncle B and Uncle M’s modified GT Racer.  There’s too much snow to go off the beaten path, but there are enough paths to make for an enjoyable time.

Uncle B and Grandpa also hitched the horses to the sleigh.  The sleigh isn’t big enough for everyone, so some have to ride in the calf-sled pulled behind it.  It was the afternoon of the second day and so everyone was operating on less than a full night’s sleep and had a really hard time staying awake.

Grandma F didn’t accompany Grandpa F on his annual mission trip to Mexico this year.  We had the pleasure of hosting her for a few days.  She brought her rainbow-bracelet loom with her and it was a hit.  L and K are very proud of their bracelets and are always asking to make more.