Our blog has been sorely neglected for nearly 2 years now. Much has happened since that camping and canoeing excursion on Caddy Lake. We completed a kitchen renovation. We began the work of finishing our basement. The goal was to have it done last summer, but it is still in-progress. Perhaps this summer. We took a 3-week trip to the west coast. We purchased another revenue property, renovations on which are very nearly completed. And last, but not least, COVID-19 happened.
Our work lives were pretty much unchanged by the pandemic restrictions and so adding homeschooling to the mix was, and continues to be, a challenge. Many balls have been dropped along the way. About a month or so after school was cancelled for the kids, I pulled out some retired hardware and made some work stations for the kids in the dining room. Mornings now look like this.
Good thing you kept that OLD hardware, huh? (hehe)
Yes. It comes in handy sometimes.