Rainbow Falls

Pam was working on Sunday about a week and a half ago, so I decided, on a whim, to take the kids to see Rainbow Falls. We packed a lunch, got in the car, and drove out to Whiteshell. When we got to our destination, I was disappointed. I realized that the falls I wanted to take our kids to go see wasn’t Rainbow Falls—I’m still trying to remember the name of the falls that I wanted to go see. After I got over my disappointment, I realized that we could have some fun playing in the water anyway. The falls I intended to take the kids to are much bigger and not the kind that you can play around in. Thus, I didn’t take along any swimwear or life jackets. But we made do. K splashed around in her diaper and L rolled up his pant legs. They got wet anyway, but we were lucky enough to find a dry pair of pants in the car after the fun was over. We stopped for some ice cream on the way home.

Somewhere along the line, L learned how to make silly to the camera.

3 thoughts on “Rainbow Falls”

  1. John was disappointed when he saw Rainbow Falls too (a few years back). We trekked off to Pine Point Rapids (which was a long walk on a super hot day with little kids) and the falls were great, but not at all kid-friendly. There were some ‘big kids’ going down the falls, but those guys were braver than I am!

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