Day 5 was mostly a travel day. After leisurely packing up camp, we pointed the car northwest. Since Aunt I has already done so much camping in and exploring of the mountains in the Calgary vicinity, we thought it might be nice to go a bit further north and enter the Rockies from Rocky Mountain House. The drive felt a bit longer than we wanted it to. But on the fun side, it give rise to a catchy song.
There once was a girl named K…
She drove all day with her family
And then she got bored
Bored, bored,
bored, bored,
bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored
K, of course, was quite a fan of having a song about her, and so she requested it often by whining from her seat, “What can I do?”
Finally, the highway began to curve around Abraham Lake and we knew that our campsite at Two O’Clock Creek Campground was just around the corner.
L didn’t know what to do with himself while we were setting up camp, so Aunt I suggested he build something with some of the sticks that were lying on ground around the fire pit. Of course the first thing that came to his mind was to build a little shelter for his prized souvenir from the Museum giftshop.
After supper, we went for a walk. K was busy admiring and picking flowers. I wonder where she got that from?