2013 Camping Trip – Day 6

After a chilly night that included a mild, early morning thunderstorm—fortunately it didn’t wake the kids—we set off on our day of sightseeing.  We drove up the Icefields Parkway to the Columbia Icefields.  The day’s activities were a trip down memory lane for Pam and me, because we did the same hikes on our honeymoon.
The first thing we did was take the short walk up to the Athabasca Glacier.  It was amazing to see how far the glacier had receded since we were there last in 2000.  It would have been cool to take the buggy up on to the ice, but, at $50/head, we weren’t biting.

Aunt I made sure that the kids knew just how cold the water melting off the glacier was.  K, again not as impressed with our surroundings as we were, decided that she would have more fun if she pretended to be Princess Leah.  Don’t ask us how she even knows about the Star Wars character.  Neither of our kids have seen the movies, and we don’t really talk about them.

After having a bite to eat, we decided to tackle the Parker Ridge hike.  When Pam and I did the hike on our honeymoon, there was a lot of cloud cover and fog, which turned to snow halfway up the mountain.  The weather looked gloomy this morning as well, but by the time we finished our lunch, the sun was shining happily.  We were very impressed with our kids.  K made it about a mile up the mountain before I put her in the carrier, and L did the whole thing—up and down—with his own steam.  The view at the top was spectacular.  It gave us a nice bird’s eye view of the Saskatchewan Glacier and the small lake at its foot.

On the way down, we had to stop to set our feet in some snow.

After recuperating back at camp with a bit of supper, we decided to do a bit more exploring in the Kootenay Plains Ecological Reserve where our campground was situated.

It was a wonderful day.  Hopefully our children take a few memories with them.

One thought on “2013 Camping Trip – Day 6”

  1. Wow! Love the family pic with the glacier. Oh, how I want to see mountains again!!

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