I never enjoyed Dr Suess as a kid, maybe because I was too old to enjoy the rhyme and not old enough to appreciate pure silliness when I was introduced to them. L on the other hand loves Dr Suess, we have made our way through “Mr Brown can Moo”, “ABC” and are currently enjoying “One fish two fish red fish blue fish”. With this much Dr Seuss in my life it was inevitable that at some time he would show up on the blog. So this week when Daddy is so stressed trying to get his last starred paper finished here is a little taste of Dr Suess.
Grandpa F commented once on how exciting it must be for a child because everything is new. For example one of the days that L and I were outside last week L discovered that a stick could be used for digging. Pretty soon he was having a great time digging a hole in the dirt. So learn a lesson from Dr Suess, try something new and remember to keep your eyes open for the funny things in life.