RSV has decided to pay L a visit, bringing along bilateral ear infection just for kicks.
Yesterday we had a regular day, happily enjoying the warm sunshine while we waited for Daddy to get home. Then at bedtime I noticed that L’s voice was getting hoarser as he chatted himself to sleep, followed by a few episodes of coughing after he was asleep. Two hours later as we were getting ready for bed Dad found L struggling for breath. His colour was good and he recovered after a minute or so, but remained wheezy. I may be a nurse, but I am not a pediatric nurse, and further more in this situation I am the mom. So it took a bit for my clear headed assessment skills to click in. After a phone call to Urgent Care it was decided that we would remain at home until morning unless he had another episode or if his colour worsened. So L and I spent the night sitting up on the couch and Dad checked in on us periodically.
Sure enough L’s oxygenation was a little low requiring two ventolin inhalation treatments before they improved. We were sent home with syrup ventolin to open his bronchials and prednisone to reduce the swelling. On top of it he has an ear infection so we brought home antibiotics for that as well. He wasn’t exhibiting any signs of the ear infection bothering him, but we won’t argue with the antibiotic prescription in this situation.
After we got home L seemed to have recovered remarkably well, slightly less energetic then usual, but bouncing back very well. This afternoon the fever arrived knocking him right out.
He is sleeping now so hopefully he will be able to sleep without a repeat of last night.
and may you also get some sleep 🙂