Mudmen and PlayDoh

Ash Wednesday is one of the services that Anglican’s do well; I always find it powerful. Again it was a tear jerker when K was marked with the sign of the cross in ashes; “Remember that thou art dust and to dust you shall return”, but I blogged about that the first time L was marked.

Yesterday we went to a Children’s Ash Wednesday service. I was very curious what they would tell the children. I know that L gets so much, but Lent, crucifixion and death are not concepts that he has yet. Instead the children crowded around the priest on the floor as she pulled surprises out of her bag. The bible says that we are made out of clay, but the bad things that we do make us hard like this mudman (gingerbread cookie) when you try to bend him he cracks and breaks. Jesus came to make our hearts new and moldable again like PlayDoh. All in all this service was a big hit with the kids, especially since they got to take their goodies home.

On a side note L continues to be a goofy clown whenever the camera comes out.