Last night L and I were putting his train tracks together; the challenge for me was use the bridge, tunnel and underpass in one continuous track that fits on the coffee table. Just to make it more challenging I wanted to be an encouraging mom and not dismantle L’s construction. To put it bluntly I was frustrated and done! Lowell was home grading and chided me on my lack of patience with problem solving. How were my children going to develop those problem solving skills? “That’s why I married the man I did” I retorted. I will be the first to admit that puzzles aren’t really my favourite thing, but I will brag about the abilities of that husband of mine.
L and L were looking through an “I Spy” book. On one of the pages there was a dominoes train set up. Lowell commented that they would have to build one of those. He then discovered that the page was actually showing a balloon popper made out of dominoes, blocks, balls, ramps, funnels etc. L interpreted that as meaning that he and Daddy were going to build a balloon popper not just a dominoes train. L persisted and Lowell took up the challenge.
After a little head scratching, some alterations and a few false starts…it worked!
L wanted to do it again, but alas Dad didn’t want to set it up again and it was conveniently bedtime.
As to the railroad L said his trains could hop over the crack in the track.