Parent Center

We said good-bye to the Parent Drop-in Center yesterday. Hopefully the picnic won’t get rained out this afternoon and L will have fun playing with the kids one more time. We have visited the Center weekly over the winter. L has enjoyed playing with the toys and driving the cars and trikes. K when not being mobbed by all the baby crazy preschoolers has had fun in the exersaucers.

It feels like summer around here. The weather is hot (34 degrees Celsius), humid with thundershowers. The spring flowers are finished and the lilies and roses are in full swing. Once again I have a photo of a tree that I like but don’t have a name for.

2 thoughts on “Parent Center”

  1. I can’t help you with this tree – never seen it before & couldn’t find it when I hunted around my plant sites.
    On another note – while it’s sad to say goodbye to the familiar, fun things, I can’t help but be excited because that means moving day is getting closer!! 🙂

  2. The good-byes are mostly for preparing L for the move, but it is a bit sad to leave the place of so many memories. However we are REALLY looking forward to extended time with family and friends at home. Two weeks until our “movers” arrive.

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