A Good Day

Yesterday L and K played well together. L is getting used to having his orderly world invaded by his little sister. He tried to play with his toys above her level, but took it very well when she joined him. K is too little to play with L’s Mighty Machines (construction equipment) but she was content with a yellow and orange 4-wheeler.

Lowell took the evening off, so we enjoyed a stroll along the bike path after supper. L was pretty tired during supper but surprisingly he walked most of the way. After running/racing half way home, he did get a ride on Dad’s shoulders. K must have enjoyed her stroller ride too with just a 15 minute catnap. We found some real Mighty Machines to examine and L had great fun racing Dad on the track at the athletics field.

K’s highlight was probably the fact that I finished her Blankie. K had taken to a crocheted blanket made by Auntie I, well I lost it on Sunday. So my little girl who puts herself to sleep so nicely was trying to make due with L’s crocheted sweater, but it just wasn’t cutting it. I have spent all spare minutes this week making her a replacement. It isn’t pretty, I didn’t take the time to undo stitches to fix mistakes and it is only one colour. It isn’t special like the one made by her Aunt, but it is full of holes and big enough to wrap her fingers in and cover her face with. I gave it to her while I was getting her pajamas on last night, she immediately rolled over buried her face in it and started playing peek-a-boo with me. I was worried that she would know that it wasn’t the same one, but it seems to be an acceptable replacement.