Problem Solving

Last night L and I were putting his train tracks together; the challenge for me was use the bridge, tunnel and underpass in one continuous track that fits on the coffee table. Just to make it more challenging I wanted to be an encouraging mom and not dismantle L’s construction. To put it bluntly I was frustrated and done! Lowell was home grading and chided me on my lack of patience with problem solving. How were my children going to develop those problem solving skills? “That’s why I married the man I did” I retorted. I will be the first to admit that puzzles aren’t really my favourite thing, but I will brag about the abilities of that husband of mine.

L and L were looking through an “I Spy” book. On one of the pages there was a dominoes train set up. Lowell commented that they would have to build one of those. He then discovered that the page was actually showing a balloon popper made out of dominoes, blocks, balls, ramps, funnels etc. L interpreted that as meaning that he and Daddy were going to build a balloon popper not just a dominoes train. L persisted and Lowell took up the challenge.

After a little head scratching, some alterations and a few false starts…it worked!

L wanted to do it again, but alas Dad didn’t want to set it up again and it was conveniently bedtime.

As to the railroad L said his trains could hop over the crack in the track.

Mudmen and PlayDoh

Ash Wednesday is one of the services that Anglican’s do well; I always find it powerful. Again it was a tear jerker when K was marked with the sign of the cross in ashes; “Remember that thou art dust and to dust you shall return”, but I blogged about that the first time L was marked.

Yesterday we went to a Children’s Ash Wednesday service. I was very curious what they would tell the children. I know that L gets so much, but Lent, crucifixion and death are not concepts that he has yet. Instead the children crowded around the priest on the floor as she pulled surprises out of her bag. The bible says that we are made out of clay, but the bad things that we do make us hard like this mudman (gingerbread cookie) when you try to bend him he cracks and breaks. Jesus came to make our hearts new and moldable again like PlayDoh. All in all this service was a big hit with the kids, especially since they got to take their goodies home.

On a side note L continues to be a goofy clown whenever the camera comes out.

Daily Life

Wow it’s been a long time since we blogged. We stayed up to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremonies last night, which I thought was worth it. Unfortunately I am feeling the late night so I am not coming up with great things to say about the following pictures. If I don’t blog today it might be another week before I do. So take it for what it’s worth.

Daddy spending some time with K after supper. In this picture they are just talking but Daddy did have K giggling hard the other night. K’s giggle is still infrequent, L has managed to coax it out of her as well. He was jumping up and down, shouting go and stop, she thought it was hilarious.

L wanted to do some snuggling with K.

We have been doing some “crafty” things. L is painting the firestation a rainbow of colours; every colour that he has in his box of paints. If you look for her you will see K eating her doll in the background.

L is being “Sid the Science Kid” while we researched about lizards. Sid keeps his pencil behind his ear.


A conversation with Daddy.

Building farm animals with Daddy; L built his version of a duck and Lowell was trying to make a cow. He spent most of his time designing the udder and hind quarters which worked out fairly well for him. The head is another story.

K’s newest trick is reaching for things with an open hand. Her arm and hand rarely coordinate the way that she would like when trying to get things into her mouth. She compensates by using her feet, bending over with her mouth wide open or a combination of all three.

Sometimes the toy gets away from her and when all else fails her fingers are good enough.

The Innocents

Lowell was flipping channels through the sitcoms the other night, one line we caught made us chuckle. “Change your skirt; everyone knows you’re a girl you don’t have to prove it.” Lowell asked if I was taking notes. Thankfully my children are still innocents…

…and mommy still dresses her little girl.

In some ways I guess babies and preschoolers aren’t much different then teenagers. L has been attempting to exert his will, (maybe to regain centre of the universe status?) and K is a night owl who likes to sleep late in the morning.

K is a great mimic and is trying really hard to learn different sounds. It almost sounds like she says “Hi”. Lowell started making the “oooo” sound to her. Suddenly she was concentrating really hard and working her mouth. After a lot of repetition she got it and was so happy. She is just the happiest when someone will talk with her.

The week

Lowell and L made a desk hutch for Lowell’s work desk. It looked like they both had fun building something together.

K must always have had eyelashes but I have just noticed them. They are already long and dark, her hair is coming in quite dark as well. I wonder if it will stay of if she will be a blonde yet.

We found space for the jolly jumper in our luggage and in our apartment. K is starting to get the bounce rhythm. I think that she will soon really like it, makes me thankful that we found a way to get it here.

It shouldn’t surprise me how fascinated K is with objects, (L was the same way) but her attention span continues to amaze me. It is alot of fun to watch her smile and talk with her favourite toys.

We had a family game night last night. Lowell and L were the big “Kahunas” of the night.


L wins the prize for K’s first smiles. She is sharing them more frequently now, but they are tricky to capture on camera.

Being a big brother is hard work though. For a boy who hates naps they have to kind of sneak up on him.

We are starting to enjoy the Advent season around here. Yesterday was the official start of advent, but we started last week since we are flying out of here in 2 1/2 weeks. Christmas oranges are out and since we are all enjoying them we are already on our 3rd box. L wants to do more and more things himself, tackling a Clementine is one of them.

One month old already, I can’t believe it!

Will she ever be big enough to play with me?

I hear this question or a variation of it daily. L does his best to “play” with her; he keeps her informed on what he is doing and shows her all his toys. She rarely has her head turned in the right direction so his dialogue to her is peppered with “Let her turn her own head!”

K however will lie quietly and listen to him “read” her a story and for now that makes him happy.

A Week in Pictures

Hard to believe that she is one week old already. Here we are getting ready to leave the hospital.

At home L continued to be completely captivated with his new baby sister.

We are all enjoying having Grandma here.

K is a good baby; when she is awake she spends her time taking in the world.

One week old today.