First Time for Everything

It’s Monday evening, March 19th. I’m sitting at my desk working and listening to the thunderstorm outside. Now, having lived in Massachusetts for several years, the experience of a rain shower, even one with a bit of thunder, in (what are traditionally thought of as) winter months isn’t an entirely novel one. I remember watching rain water run down the street in the middle of December and having rain very early in the year. However, in all the years I’ve lived in Manitoba, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a thunderstorm in March! I walked to work today with my jacket hanging over my shoulder. In spite of this, I still worked up a sweat from the walk because it was so warm. I said to my class, “I don’t think you’re supposed to work up a sweat walking outdoors in Manitoba in March. It’s good for us, not so good for glaciers and ice caps.” Craziness!

2 thoughts on “First Time for Everything”

  1. While you were sweating in MB, southeastern AB was having a snow storm so bad that the Transcanada Highway was closed between Brooks & the SK boarder.

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