K woke up this morning all sad that Halloween was over and she would have to wait a whole year to get more treats. L had a school party and K had a party at her dance class which wasn’t cancelled believe it or not. Only 2 kids showed up at K’s dance class I guess the temptation for candy was too good to pass up. I must be a stick in the mud mom because I think the candies they got from 2 dozen houses is plenty. Although 2 of those houses were family so those treat bags were extra special (thanks guys) and the lady from next door dropped off a large goody bag for each of the kids before they went out for the evening.
We had Strawberry Shortcake although without the hat we had lots of Raggedy Anne comments. I just didn’t feel like making a hat. I was talking to another mom at dance class and she had paid $50 for her daughter’s Strawberry Shortcake costume. Commercialism what else can be said. “Bee” didn’t come with us but K was pretty tired by the time we got home and so the happy smiles came out when she discovered her blanket in the dining room.
Mr Shark was fierce. We actually made this costume in the spring for a dress-up day in Kindergarten, thankfully he was more than happy to wear it again.
Great creativity for the costumes Pam. Great work!