This is a picture of the village at Plimoth Plantation. It is a re-creation of the village the pilgrims built after landing at Plymouth Rock in 1620. (Don’t ask me why the two spellings ‘Plimoth’ and ‘Plymouth’.) Just down the trail from the pilgrim’s village, there is a re-creation of a Wampanoag village. There are people in costume on both sites doing activities as they would have been done around the time of the arrival of the pilgrims. In the Wampanoag village we could see a large water vessel–I’m not sure that it could be called a canoe–that the Wampanoag had built by selectively burning out a large tree trunk. The pilgrim village had a blacksmith, gardeners, and people looking after livestock.
This is a replica of the Mayflower.
Being a tourist has the tendency to wear you out.