Could Anyone Use This?

Ever since we bought our digital camera, which you have all been experiencing the benefits of through our blog, our film camera has sat dormant. Because we are happy with our digital camera, we probably won’t have much use for our film camera in the future. It would be a shame for the camera to age in our possession if someone else would put it to use. Thus, we would be willing to give it away–well, almost give it away–to one of our readers if one of them expressed some interest in it.

The camera is a Canon EOS Elan II. We bought it new several years back and have been its only owners. We were very happy with the pictures it took. It is fully functional and in excellent condition. You can read about its specifications here and here. We are using the lens we bought with the camera body, so you would have to buy a lens for it. As a quick check on eBay will show, it’s not worth a lot of money. If any of you are interested, make us an offer.

2 thoughts on “Could Anyone Use This?”

  1. How much do lenses usually cost for these kind of cameras? Cuz the lens is what is more costly, right?

  2. You can find cheap lenses and very, very expensive lenses. The lens we bought with the camera and now use on our digital is a Canon EF 28-105mm f/ 3.5-4.5 USM. (‘EF’ means that it is electronic focus. ‘USM’ refers to the motor in the lens that does the focusing. Cheaper Canon lenses have slightly slower and louder motors. The ‘f’ number refers to the “speed” of the lens; i.e., how much light it lets through. This lens is, again, slightly better than the cheapest Canon lenses, but not nearly as fast as their best lenses.) You can buy this lens new for approx. $300CN. Of course, a used lens would be cheaper. If you just wanted to get a really sharp lens for relatively little money, you could buy Canon’s 50mm fixed focal length lens. I think you can by it new for less than $100CN.

    You should keep in mind, however, that any lens you buy for this camera would fit a Canon digital SLR camera. So if you decided to go digital in the near future, you could use the lens you bought for this camera. The only drawback here is that, unless you buy a very high-end digital camera, the focal length of your lens will change. On our digital camera, the 28-105mm lens turns into something like a 35-120mm lens. You gain on one end, but lose on the other. (This is because the sensor in the camera is slightly smaller than the surface area of a 35mm film.)

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