
Those of you who check this blog regularly may have noticed that there has been some slowing in the pace of new entries. There are two reasons for this. One, our desktop computer has been in the shop “up on the hoist” for nearly two weeks while we wait on a new motherboard for it. So Pam has no means of accessing the internet while I am out during the day. Two, I’m being squeezed by the end-of-semester clamp. So I don’t have a lot of disposable time to blog.

Unfortunately, the pace of new entries on this blog may not pick up much during the next months. In about 2 weeks, we will be packing up and making the trip to Manitoba to stay for the summer. That means there won’t be quite as much incentive to blog, because many of the people we blog for will be more easily accessible to us. (My apologies in advance to those of you rely on this blog to stay abreast of the developments in our lives. We’ll try to be faithful to you by posting new stuff diligently.)