Sweat Equity

So it is time to put some work into our house in Winnipeg. As you can see the deck badly needs some attention…so we are building a fence. Honestly we are not going about this backwards it is all part of the big picture.

On Monday Lowell picked up our massive pile of wood. There is no way a person could drive a truck through this fence when it is completed (a little bit of overkill, but typical Lowell style).

We supported our local sawmill contact so Wednesday we spent prepping and treating the posts. Here L is supervising the activities. He is a hard taskmaster, he quickly lets us know if we are taking too long.

Lowell is adding a little bit of style to the posts.

We are finally finished ripping out the old chainlink fence, (the posts were cemented 3 feet into the ground) so now we can begin constructing.

2 thoughts on “Sweat Equity”

  1. Do you have plans for the old chain link fence/ We are wanting to install one in our backyard. Let us know if you still have it kicking around.

    Btw, we’d love to have you guys over for dinner sometime.

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