Finished Project

Well, our summer in Manitoba has come to an end, and tomorrow we head back to Massachusetts. As usual, the summer wasn’t long enough. At least I survived my first stint at teaching and I was able to scratch my builder’s itch. This week I was finally able to finish the project I started in our backyard. I cut and fitted the plastic inserts, made and fastened the last of the hardware onto the gates, and wrestled the heavy, concrete-laden posts one more time, hauling them away to the landfill. Ironically, the feature of our backyard that got us started on this project, the rotten deck, is still there. The summer just wasn’t long enough. I guess I already have next summer’s project.

3 thoughts on “Finished Project”

  1. Originally, I thought I would get some white opaque plastic, but I think this clear translucent material looks better.

    Thanks. We’ll try to drive safely. L has a new carseat. We’ll see how he likes it.

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