I am happy to report that L is cutting his first tooth. It doesn’t seem to be bothering him all that much. He is chewing on his fingers a little more then usual, but other then that nothing seems to be different then normal. I happened to feel it yesterday otherwise I wouldn’t have known.
It is a little tricky taking pictures of L lately, he sees the camera and crawls towards you to see the pictures. L still likes books, but he is fascinated with photographs. He can pick out the photo albums and photo envelopes sitting on the table. He knows exactly what he wants and can let you know loudly if need be that he wants it .
Hehe, you guys started and now you won’t be able to stop with the picture showing thing. 🙂
Don’t you like the picture thing? You’re his aunt, after all, someone who only gets to see him in person once in a long while.