A Love of Music

L’s enjoyment of music is increasing. He is learning to “dance” to the little jingles that his Leappad makes; dancing consists of jerking his head and upper body back and forth. Lowell has been practicing around the house for a choir audition tonight. L really enjoys Dad’s “wawa”. One evening I was doing dishes and all of a sudden I hear what sounds like a guitar. Sure enough Lowell had pulled out the guitar to show L. I must add that we have faithfully moved this guitar with us on all of our many moves and this is the first time I have ever heard Lowell play it. The things a father will do for his son. L must have appreciated Dad’s efforts because he is very quick to point out the guitars in his books now.

A note on “wawa”. Over Christmas break Lowell taught L the jingle from the Meow Mix commercial; “Meow, meow, meow, meow etc”. L can’t say the m sound yet so he sang wa, wa, wa, wa. It stuck; singing, music, the stereo, the hymnal all are “wawas”.

I am hoping that L inherited his Dad’s talent for music. The question is how much of our likes and dislikes are in the genes and how much is fostered through our life experiences. Whether L inherits musical ability or develops it now I won’t mind another musician in the household.