
To him it’s just a hat that mom calls cabbage. So much for helping in the kitchen with supper.

Daily Lowell and I are amazed at how L’s vocabulary is expanding. L only recently put 2 words together, now he has a running commentary. Yesterday he was colouring on a pad of paper explaining what he was doing to whoever would listen, it went something like this…”Da (draw) Barn, da barn, animal, neigh barn moo baa baa, Pa (Grandpa) barn, moo bop (usually accompanied with a pat on the head, meaning that something has bumped it’s head), da barn, Dus (Uncle Bruce) neigh, da barn… and so on.

L has very clear ideas of what he wants and what he doesn’t want, “more” and “again” have been very helpful to him. His default setting is whinning first which we are very quickly trying to curb with “Use your words, mommy doesn’t understand”. This isn’t an unreasonable request, he has more then enough words and signs to make his thoughts known.