Rainy New Brunswick

We headed up to New Brunswick this past weekend to visit some family and hoped to do some camping along the Bay of Fundy. It rained and rained and rained some more. We did have a good time even if we cut it short. We spent Friday evening and Saturday with my cousins A & V at their new home. They gave us the tour around Centreville and took us to the Potato Museum.

Sunday morning we took a chance and drove to the Bay of Fundy. Sunday afternoon turned out to be nice; we spent some time in St John walking around the old part of the city and watched the Reversing Falls when the tide came in. Then we headed to Hopewell Rocks for high tide. The Bay of Fundy has the biggest tides in the world a 7m difference on average. Hopewell Rocks are sandstone sculptures made by these tides.

We wanted to sea the rocks again at low tide in order to appreciate the difference in the tide. At low tide you are also able to walk on the beach around these “flower pots”. Monday morning we woke up to rain, but we were determined. We packed a change of clothes in the car for the ride home and headed out.

Thankfully it stopped raining soon after we reached the beach, but during the rain I think L had it the best of all.

This is the same view at low tide as above at high tide, amazing.