Big Boy Bed

Lowell had a great idea of getting bunk beds for L’s big boy bed, the second bunk would provide a great storage space for our ever shrinking apartment. L has had no trouble getting used to sleeping in his new bed. He only tried the second night to delay sleeping by getting out of bed and even then only twice. We still haven’t been willing to give up our TV/computer/spare room, (actually I am not sure if we could even if we wanted to) so the bunk beds were added to the bedroom too. For those of you who doubted that we had room for another bed I took a picture. Both Lowell and I agree that even with the addition of the new bed the current arrangement is a better use of space.

One thought on “Big Boy Bed”

  1. What a great idea! The bed looks great, and I can’t believe you have that much room in there! So glad L’s taking to his big boy bed.

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