When Aunty I was visiting she was instructed to take lots of pictures of L for Grandma F; so maybe it is time to give an update on L. The past 2 weeks have had some hard days to be 2 years old in them. Mom and Dad insist on continuing with potty training, won’t let L watch as much TV as he would like, nor will we play with him as much as he wants. Last week when I took him to the garden, I carried him kicking and screaming to the car, when we got to the garden he refused to come out of the car. I decided that the car was a safe place to be if he wasn’t with me in my garden plot, it would be within sight and not too far away that I couldn’t hear him call. Thankfully today after the same beginning he cheered up and had lots of fun digging and pulling weeds.
L has rediscovered his LeapPad, interacting with the games instead of just listening to the sounds that different buttons make. When he is not wanting to play toys at least he has found something to entertain himself with. He has also remembered how much fun it is to play with markers and a hand-me-down book that you can wipe clean and redo.
L is loving the corn on the cob again this year; eating and shucking it.