Yesterday was K’s 4 month well baby visit and first round of immunizations. She is growing well: 13lbs 9oz and 26 1/4 inches. That puts her at the 50th percentile in weight and the 97th percentile in height. Once again it looks like we have a child that it will be hard to find pants for. In comparison to L at that age she is the same height but leaner by about 3lbs. She handled her immunizations well, but it was a bit harder of a day. There wasn’t much playing going on; she spent lots of time just watching the world go on around her.
She can hold her head up very well, especially when there is something interesting to look at.
K still loves faces and people. She is busy charming strangers around us with her smile and then when they start talking to her the smiles only get bigger. I’ve recently introduced some board books to her and true to her character she liked the kitten book with pictures of their faces. She was quite content to look at it on her own, but L had fun showing it to her.
She is not rolling over yet, but when on her back she is pulling her self over onto her side and when on her tummy she is pushing with her foot and trying to crank her head around. I am sure that it is just a matter of time. She likes sitting up in the corner of the couch or rocking chair, though that is almost too reclined for her; she wants to sit straight up.
Although she likes her bouncy chair and the rattles that hang down in front of her when she is in it, she gets so frustrated that she can’t get the rattles into her mouth. She complains and scolds the animal rattles until someone listens and gives her something that she can chew on.
In church on Sunday one of the ladies there was going on and on about how much character she has already, in contrast to other babies her age who just have the generic baby face. She thought K was beautiful and I couldn’t argue with that. She is so much fun, so precious, we like our baby. In typical Friesen fashion Lowell has summed it up by saying “We aren’t taking her back”.