Another Week

I have come to hate Thursday.  Thursday means we have owned the house another full week.  Thursday means we are not done our project, in fact the checklist is still very long.  Thursday means that tomorrow is the start of another very busy weekend with little time for finishing things.  Although without some recreation this weekend to remind us of another life we may loose our minds.

So Friday brings me to a day of review to focus on what we have accomplished.

CAM00360_1    CAM00361_1Didn’t L do a great job on the backspash! 6 more cupboards doors to hang and thanks to little L for screwing the handles back on for me.  Last week only a few cupboard doors were primed and there was no dishwasher.

IMG_9445_1 CAM00364_1
While I was covering myself in paint some made it on to the Living/Dining room trim.  L installed a plug in the bathroom, reglued the tub surround, primed and painted the bathroom and front entrance.  Wow, it was never in doubt that we were busy.


And just ’cause we are good at finding  work; we did or more specifically L painted the trim in the panel bedroom.  He couldn’t leave the panelling on the back of the bedroom door and then he couldn’t leave the trim brown.  Ah well I’m not sure that my cupboards look different enough in a photo to merit all the hours I have spent on them, at least the bedroom looks more modern now.


To top it all off K is sick today; but you don’t even get to be sick at home you have to come along to the house.

* It’s good to know that our camera still takes better pics than a phone

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