Two weeks ago, we were finally able to take advantage of the summer and head out to the lake. The original plan was for us to spend a few days camping at Caddy Lake, but on the day before we left a friend offered us the use of his cottage on Jessica Lake in the Whiteshell. We could hardly turn him down, so we altered our plans.
First on the agenda was a hike from Red Rock Lake to Cabin Lake. The trail crossed a beaver dam and we were able to keep mostly dry. The kids, however, had their first encounter with “Fireweed” (otherwise known as “Brankrut”) and quickly started complaining about the deer flies. Only the blueberries on the side of the trail were able to distract them from the constant buzzing.
When we arrived at Cabin Lake, we were greeted by a nice view and a small sandy beach. We were eager to try our new beach shoes we had bought for the trip and started exploring the water.
Shortly after this picture was taken, L slipped on an underwater rock and skinned his knee. We all know how that feels. Eventually, with a little help from his parents, he worked up enough courage to attempt the walk back to the car. We all made it back, none the worse for wear.
The next day was a warm one and we took full advantage of our proximity to the water. L and K played in the clay at the side of the dock. I tried my hand at doing a solo Capistrano Flip, thinking that if one is planning on doing more canoeing, as we are, one should know how to get back into a capsized canoe. I wasn’t successful, but, having done a bit of research, will try it again in the future.
On the third day, we decided to go play in the water at Rainbow Falls.
One of us will forever remember this place as “the leech nest.”