The new year has arrived and, with it, the close of another holiday season. It’s always sad to say goodbye to the fun and parties that the holidays bring.
Christmas started for us at Grandma and Grandpa F’s house. Some of us—we won’t mention any names—put in a few hours to insulate and finish their car garage. We took advantage of the new space and spent much of the family day there. Here Grandpa, L, and K are initiating the garage with a pillow fight.
Grandma F outdid herself and knitted cute dresses for her three youngest granddaughters.
Next came L’s birthday. He wanted Lego so badly that it took him quite a while to reconcile himself to the chapter books his Mom and Dad so inconsiderately got for him. (He got lots of Lego for Christmas.)
L’s piano teacher made him perform some of the pieces he had been working on. Good thing his teacher was there to play along with him.
K got into the Christmas spirit and made a little hat (out of wrapping paper and decorative duct tape) for cousin M.
We took advantage of the last Friday before the start of classes to do some sliding on the hill by Omand’s Creek.
I have four wonderful granddaughters, three of them got dresses. Love them all.
They are privileged to have a Grandmother like you.