I guess it has been almost a week since we blogged. We have been busy but I can’t say exactly with what. L continues to explore his world. As his attention span lengthens he can explore things in more detail. Today the toy box needed a closer look.
Author: Pam
Thundershowers in February
I know that I shouldn’t complain about any weather that is warmer then -15 when my Manitoba friends and family are thankful that it isn’t -50 anymore. However it has been raining here for the past 3 days. Last night we had a thunderstorm. Snow doesn’t really make you wet. If it is cold you put on a snow suit, toque, scarf, mitts, long underwear etc. It might take you half an hour to get ready to go outside, but you can get where ever you are going and be dry. Rain forces you to stay inside; if you don’t get wet by raindrops falling from above, then you are sure to get drenched by a muddy puddle on the side of the road, courtesy of a passing vehicle. I know there is no sympathy coming my way and that is fine. These thoughts are not new ones, I thought the same way when I was a pedestrian or cyclist in Winnipeg. The difference is that the rain starts in February in Massachusetts instead of May.
On a different note. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. For those of you who don’t follow the church calender it is now 6 weeks until Easter. Lowell was singing in the choir (making a better bass then baritone with his current cold), so L and I went to the evening service as well.
Here L is sporting his new ashes look and appearing quite pleased with life. Mom and Dad were moved though when L was marked. “Remember that thou art dust and to dust thou shall return” seems completely different when said over someone so innocent and new to this world.
People have been wondering if L is walking yet. Well if he was 5 inches shorter he probably would be because he sure realizes the value of having his 2 hands free. Now he “walks” everywhere he needs to go on his knees.
He is comfortable going down the stairs on his own now, hopefully walking on his feet won’t be too far behind.
Safe Arrival
We are home, in fact we made record time by arriving last night. This summer when we traveled with J&S we made it through Chicago on the first day; Lowell and I were able to do that again now. So we drove 2 long days but got to sleep in our own bed on the second day. Again L traveled very well. L has had a terrible cold the last week as some of you know, thankfully he is feeling much better. He still has the occasional cough and runny nose. We found our apartment just as we left it, but the modem for our phone is not working. Strangely enough we are not having internet trouble this time around just our phone modem. As I am writing this I am on hold with Vonage trying to get them to send me a new modem as we had trouble with the modem’s power supply in December. We are using Skype until further notice so for those of you who use Skype we can be found there, for those of you who don’t you will have to wait for us to give you a call.
After Daddy’s own heart
11 Months Old…
and we are loving it. Thankfully L is a different kid then he was a month ago. He smiles easily and he giggles just for the sheer pleasure of giggling. He loves to play games: peekaboo is still a favourite, he hides a toy and then is all excited when he finds it again and he is only too happy if he can convince you to come and catch him. Here is a typical shot of L, he is always sticking out his tongue when he is concentrating on moving around.
I have discovered numerous ways to keep L happy when I need to get things done. Getting ready to go out requires 2 hands so I can’t hold L and blow dry my hair at the same time. However if he can see what is going on, comb his hair and talk to the boy in the mirror I have enough time to get myself ready to go.
First Tooth
I am happy to report that L is cutting his first tooth. It doesn’t seem to be bothering him all that much. He is chewing on his fingers a little more then usual, but other then that nothing seems to be different then normal. I happened to feel it yesterday otherwise I wouldn’t have known.
It is a little tricky taking pictures of L lately, he sees the camera and crawls towards you to see the pictures. L still likes books, but he is fascinated with photographs. He can pick out the photo albums and photo envelopes sitting on the table. He knows exactly what he wants and can let you know loudly if need be that he wants it .
Exploring the World
L is having so much fun exploring his world. He is no longer happy sitting in his saucer, but it is alot of fun to crawl through it or hang on to the tippy sides and play with the toys on it. He likes to discover what is behind cupboard doors (pulling everything out for a closer examination), pull things off shelves and look through the magazines in the magazine rack (this is not a tidy activity either). L is also discovering that objects have uses, for example; he brushes his head with a comb and points the stereo remote at the stereo and then gives it to me. I guess that L has discovered that the remote has something to do with the music and mom is always pointing it at the stereo.
It is far from Manitoba weather here, but it is gradually getting colder. The mornings this past week have been a little crisp. L and I still spend a lot of time walking around town, so it is kind of nice to wear a hat and mittens.
Just Me and My Dad
L has some English words to add to his verbal repertoire these days, I don’t think it is just a mom’s wishful imaging. Since Dad is such a fun guy (as seen in the pictures below) it is no wonder that “Dad” is on the list. “Book” (sounding like gook), “Dog”, “Sock” and a very breathy “Pooh” (as in Winnie-the-Pooh). He is currently practicing Car, Cat, Cup, Up, Duck and Drop, but he is not using these words consistently enough to add to the list just yet. Lowell asked L this morning if he ever said “Mom”. He doesn’t. Why would he have to know me, I am always around, nothing exciting about that.
Here Dad has L laughing so hard that he can’t even pull himself up on the coffee table.
Odds n’ Ends
So I tried something new. I was in the grocery store the other day and pomegranates were on display. Now I have never tried pomegranates and actually never even seen the inside of one: but I like fruit, so I gave it a try. Turns out that eating a pomegranate is a little bit of work. They are actually not bad, Lowell even liked them. Not something that you can eat all the time; taste is rich, texture is like chewing on grape seeds.
And now to keep some of my readers happy, here is a picture of L. Daddy has become L’s favourite person, especially when Daddy plays ball with him.
“10 Months Old today…
but don’t ask him to be happy about it. ” Some days are good days and some are not, this is true for everyone, today is not a good day for L. For that matter neither was yesterday. Overall he is very busy exploring his world, either walking along furniture or crawling when he is wanting to travel further afield. He can pull himself up, sit back down and reach for things that are on the floor.
L is weaned now which is one of the issues he is in opposition to. Mom’s arms have the bruising to show for it; L has no teeth yet, but those little gums are hard. The other issue L is in opposition to is sleeping. Sleeping is fiercely objected to 5 times a day (2 naps, bedtime and twice overnight), today and yesterday he refused to take one of his naps, hence not very happy days.
Well if he is not always cheerful at home at least we can take him anywhere. L loves people, it doesn’t matter who. If they will look his way he is sure to give them his big toothless grin.