
To him it’s just a hat that mom calls cabbage. So much for helping in the kitchen with supper.

Daily Lowell and I are amazed at how L’s vocabulary is expanding. L only recently put 2 words together, now he has a running commentary. Yesterday he was colouring on a pad of paper explaining what he was doing to whoever would listen, it went something like this…”Da (draw) Barn, da barn, animal, neigh barn moo baa baa, Pa (Grandpa) barn, moo bop (usually accompanied with a pat on the head, meaning that something has bumped it’s head), da barn, Dus (Uncle Bruce) neigh, da barn… and so on.

L has very clear ideas of what he wants and what he doesn’t want, “more” and “again” have been very helpful to him. His default setting is whinning first which we are very quickly trying to curb with “Use your words, mommy doesn’t understand”. This isn’t an unreasonable request, he has more then enough words and signs to make his thoughts known.

Happy Cake Part 2

Another birthday has come and gone, thank you to all the people that made an ordinary day special. The boys in my life bought me flowers and presented me with a Happy Cake. The sequence of events went something like this; L helps put the candles on…

…then makes sure that Mum admires the cake properly…

…but wait don’t blow the candles out yet!

The New Routine

I’ve gone back to work. I have decided that getting ready for a job is a full time job of it’s own. I have had general hospital orientation this past week and I have another 4 days of it this coming week, as well as physicals and paperwork to sign in person. Lowell has been trying on the role of Mr Mom and doing a great job of it. Unfortunately he can’t forget that he is also a grad student with his own course to teach this fall and area exam papers to be read. So Lowell has been babysitting during the day and spending weekends some evenings at the university. Before you get to feeling too sorry for Mr Mom he has had time to start playing a new computer game.

L has discovered the recycle bin. Here he is experimenting with different drums. Last night we took the evening off. Lowell gamed until L was ready for bed and L and I played and did puzzles together.

Puffer’s Pond

Lowell spent the day in the office planning for his course, so L and I picked him up for a picnic supper at Puffer’s Pond. It is the local swimming hole and we decided to check it out. It really isn’t much more than a pond, but it had sand perfect for digging and water for splashing. Lowell made the sandcastles and L gleefully smashed them.

L and I spent some time at the local Farmer’s Market this morning. We enjoyed the corn on the cob and peach pie for supper and decided to save the other goodies for another day.


So we took Aunty C into Boston to show her the sites there and once again we saw something new to us as well. We headed to Harvard University first. We had been there before, but we spent some more time wandering around.

L enjoyed the playground in the Cambridge Commons.

Wednesday evening we went to the Museum of Fine Arts, taking advantage of the free admission. Thursday we walked the Freedom Trail.

Not to make Aunty I jealous, but we did stop at the Bull n’ Finch Pub, the inspiration for the Cheers sitcom.

Sick Again

I can’t believe that we are sick again, this time we have the stomach flu. We were just nicely over our colds. L has a bit of an excuse for being sick he is cutting 3 teeth, so I am not sure what is bug and what is teething in his case. I was sick Sunday and Monday. Lowell got sick yesterday evening and so he spent today in bed. At least we were staggered a little bit. L has been a very good boy spending time with Mom and Dad however he best could.

Brief Update #2

So it is definite that L has pneumonia. The flu and RSV swabs both came back negative and his ears look fine. L was doing much better today; trying his best to jump around and use the bed as a slide. We will spend another night in the hospital just because when L settles down to sleep he doesn’t breathe as deeply therefore requires oxygen. It might turn out that he won’t need the oxygen tonight, but then everyone at least feels comfortable sending him home, knowing that he will be fine. L’s 2 favourite words now are “bye bye” as he convinces the hospital staff that they should indeed go bye bye and “done done” that whatever the staff was thinking of doing L has declared that they are now finished it.