Author: Lowell
I Cannot Accept Your Rejection At This Time
Winemaking 101
L was fascinated by the siphoning process and I had to explain to him how the liquid could continue to flow through the hose even though nothing was pumping it. It’s too early to tell if the end result will be drinkable, but we’re hoping. Does anybody have some empty wine bottles lying around? I’m eventually going to need about 30 of them, and although I’ve already taken some from our neighbours’ recycling bins, I’m a little reticent to be seen poking through my neighbours’ garbage.
How Do You Like My Chances?
I received the following email today
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Tulane Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in the Humanities. We have received over 500 applications for our 2-3 postdoctoral fellowship positions.
The Mellon Committee will review the applications and will determine a short list by the end of January 2012. We expect to have a final list by the middle of Feburary. We will contact you if we have questions.
***** ******
A Cool, Local (and compelling) Rendition of Drummer Boy
You can read the story and watch the video here.
The List
- Western New England University (Springfield, Massachusetts—yes, the place where Pam worked while we were living there)
- University of Missouri–Saint Louis
- Cane College (New Hampshire)
- Augustana College (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
- Winona State University (Minnesota)
- York University (Toronto, Ontario)
- Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea)
- Virginia Military Institute
- University of Denver
- University of St. Thomas (Minnesota)
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- Union College (New York)
- University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario)
- Howard University (Washington, D.C.)
- Trinity College (Connecticut)
- Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama)
- Illinois State University
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, Massachusetts)
- Duke University (Durham, North Carolina)
- University of Memphis
- Tennessee Tech University
- The College of William and Mary (Virginia)
- College of Charleston (South Carolina)
- California State University, San Bernardino
- University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- Neumann University (Pennsylvania)
- University of New England (Maine)
- Lingnan University (Hong Kong)
- Pacific University (Oregon)
- Kansas State University
- State University of New York, Potsdam
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- Emory & Henry College (Virginia)
- University of Connecticut
- West Virginia University
- Saint Anselm College (New Hampshire)
- Manchester College (Indiana)
- University of Tennessee, Martin
- University of Hawaii at Hilo
- University of Mississippi
- University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
- Loyola University (Chicago, Illinois)
- Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana)
- Arkansas State University
- Borough of Manhattan Community College (New York)
- Anna Maria College (Massachusetts)
- Elmhurst College (Chicago, Illinois)
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Delta College (Michigan)
- University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Sacred Heart University (Connecticut)
- Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Indiana)
Fire at L’s School
I just got off the phone with L’s Kindergarten teacher. She called to inform us that there had been a fire at L’s school this afternoon and that there would be no school tomorrow and, perhaps, also not on Friday. This was news to us! L has been battling a cold and he had a particularly restless night, so he didn’t go to school today. And apparently, we don’t keep on top of the news very much—the story is here—or else we would have heard about it in that way. I guess we live in a bit of a bubble.
Pam and I commented on how many fire drills we had been a part of in the years we were in school and never (thankfully) had to do it for real. L has been in school a mere month—he probably doesn’t even know what a fire drill is—and, had be been in school, he would have been fleeing a real fire.
It Made Me Laugh
I turned on CBC’s Laugh Out Loud the other day and … laughed out loud. Follow this link and begin listening at the 16 minute mark. Those of you who have ever had computer issues will be able to identify.
The adults had to hold on to the small people on the merry-go-round. We’re not sure who got more dizzy on the ride, the adults or the kids. K wasn’t really a fan. She wanted to go down.
Chicken Pox
This is what L looked like after his bath yesterday, and K woke up this morning not feeling very well.
When we first noticed the spots appearing, Pam and I thought they were mosquito bites–we had just come back from a weekend of camping. But then we noticed that the spots were appearing in L’s armpits and on his upper thighs, not places where you typically get mosquito bites. Then we started putting two and two together. “Cousin” M came over for a visit a while back shortly after he was exposed to Chicken Pox. Does L have CP? It sure looks like it.
But he can’t have CP. He was immunized against it. One of the things about being born in Massachusetts is that you are required to be immunized for certain things, one of which is Chicken Pox. Pam and I thought it was unnecessary, but we didn’t really have a choice; certain things were required by law and some things just came with the particular vaccine that is given to children there. Anyway, L and K were supposedly immunized for CP. He hasn’t complained at all about not feeling well, so maybe he has enough immunity to avoid feeling ill, but not enough to prevent all symptoms.