I came across a Youtube video about an octopus. If it wasn’t a presentation by a biologist and ocean explorer, I’d think it was digitally manipulated. You can see it here. It’s a segment from a longer video, which can be seen here.
Author: Lowell
Another Rejection Letter
The emails keep trickling in. Here’s the latest one I received. It’s actually one of the better ones — in terms of getting the tone right — but it makes it ever so clear what the odds I’m facing are.
Half Marathon
I decided to run the half marathon again, but this time I had a running partner. The run went well enough till about mile 10, at which point I inexplicably ran out of gas. (Uncle) L was feeling better than I was so he put on the afterburners and left me eating dust. In the end I didn’t miss my goal of a sub-2-hour time by all that much, but it was a bit of a disappointment given how well my long run of a week earlier had gone: today my quads are so sore I can hardly walk stairs; a week ago I ran 12 miles (a mile less than half marathon distance) and didn’t feel it in my quads at all the next day. Oh well, it was fun (for the first 10 miles). Maybe I/we can improve on our times next year.
All Worked Up
CBC recently published a story about 2 teenagers that were tricked into eating moose droppings on a school canoe trip. (The initial story is here and a follow up is here.) The way CBC presented the story and the public reaction to it got me, well, all worked up. So what did I do? I sat down to write a comment on their website and Facebook page. The comment turned into an essay. So when I tried to publish the comment on the website, it got cut off about a third of the way through and, since the story is no longer “breaking news,” the story (and my comment) are no longer easy to find on CBC Manitoba’s Facebook page. Sigh. But having vented, I want someone to be able to see what I had to say. If you’re interested, which, I’m sure, you aren’t, you can read it here.
Our Wine Cellar
Spring is Here
First Time for Everything
It’s Monday evening, March 19th. I’m sitting at my desk working and listening to the thunderstorm outside. Now, having lived in Massachusetts for several years, the experience of a rain shower, even one with a bit of thunder, in (what are traditionally thought of as) winter months isn’t an entirely novel one. I remember watching rain water run down the street in the middle of December and having rain very early in the year. However, in all the years I’ve lived in Manitoba, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a thunderstorm in March! I walked to work today with my jacket hanging over my shoulder. In spite of this, I still worked up a sweat from the walk because it was so warm. I said to my class, “I don’t think you’re supposed to work up a sweat walking outdoors in Manitoba in March. It’s good for us, not so good for glaciers and ice caps.” Craziness!
Big-Budget Commercial
Pam and I were winding down in front of the TV the other day when we saw something that made both of us exclaim. I had just hit the fast-forward to get through the commercials–gotta love PVRs–when we noticed that something was very different. We stopped, rewound to the beginning of the commercial break and then were shown this 3-minute commercial. Wow! I wonder what its budget was. Apparently the target audience for our show is rich suburban females.