It feels a little like fall today (in that the temperatures are plus something), so I will use that as an excuse to blog some of our fall events. After too much Thanksgiving feasting in Riding Mountain we went for a drive. It is all well and good to go down a shale slide,
but then you have to make your way up again.
Weekly events this year have included basketball practices and games for L. He is on a team of 8 years olds and they have come a long way from their first game. Most members of the team have a concept of playing defense now, L is a very good defensive player.
K is enjoying ballet/tap at the RWB. It is Saturday mornings so no sleep in days. In K’s grumbling words, she “only likes ballet once she is there not before”. We had our first class where the family could sit in and watch. K seems to have a good combination of physical mobility and sense of rhythm.
Halloween happened, K was feverish. but Mary Ingalls (with the golden locks) and an Enderman (monster from Minecraft) got their quota of candy.
Thanks to Aunty D there were pumpkins to carve.
A new nephew arrived to join the Loeppky clan, and I made a blanket for him.
His dark hair sure is a contrast against the platinum blonde of his parents’.
Now it is Advent. So far we are not behind in our Jesse tree ornaments, we are prepping for the church pageant, Christmas Eve services and the miracle of Christmas.