Still here!

Contrary to some people’s opinion we are still here, but spring is also here so we have been spending our free time outside. We have been enjoying 28 to 30 degree Celsius weather. Suddenly in the past few days everything has turned green and started blooming. Sorry to hear that some places in Manitoba had snow flurries on the weekend.

What have we been up to? Basically more of the same I guess. Lowell is putting in time at the university and constructing towers with L when he is home.

I am hoping that my days of dragging myself around are almost done. It doesn’t feel like it is taking me quite as long to recover from my 2 night shifts a week. L had a bit of a cold last week, so he did nap a couple of times that week. However other than those circumstances he is all done napping, I think that I will give in and stop “rest” time in the afternoons too. He is getting louder and busier during nap times instead of quieter and calmer. Nursery time at church is good at playing L out, so he was more willing to cuddle on Sunday afternoon.

Today I was doing some housecleaning which included scrapping some boxes that had been hanging around. L picked one up that I had flattened crawled inside and thought he looked like a robot. I helped by giving him armholes. Now he is playing “Wall-E” and I am supposed to be “Eva”

When Dad Gets Home

It’s always pretty exciting when Dad gets home from work. Dad usually stretches out on the floor which to L is an invitation to wrestle or bring him a book to read.

L is my little helper only when convenient for him. Bubbles in the sink, that works.

Maple Syrup

This afternoon we took a drive up into the Berkshires and visited a local sugarshack. Every spring we have seen the maze of sap lines running through the woods, now we decided to see the next stage of making maple syrup.

The sugarshack was full of steam. From 40 gallons of sap, 39 gallons are boiled off leaving 1 gallon of maple syrup. L kept pinching his nose and saying there was a funny smell. It did smell like maple syrup which wasn’t unpleasant, I think he was actually commenting on the sight of the steam and the humidity in the shack.

“I don’t like green beans!”

These days L can put all sorts of sentences together, even ones a parent doesn’t want to hear. L informed us of his long suspected dislike for green beans the other day at the supper table. I was reading the comics at work and came across this Baby Blues strip and even though it is not exactly the same I found it funny.

Instead my comment to L had been something like “Something may not always be your favourite but you have to have a bite.”

Living the routine

Two weeks since we blogged; I am surprised that no one has been dropping not so subtle hints. Life here has been uneventful which right now is really nice. Lowell is either watching L at home or working at the university. Right now he is in search of a dissertation topic and preping for his course. L and I spend Wednesday mornings at the library and the rest of our time is spent having “superduper fun” (he must have picked that up in the church nursery).

L and Daddy often pull out the Dominos or “Matching Game” out when I am working. It starts out as matching but ends up being used as a train track.

Has L discovered a solution for the American economic crisis? Oatmeal boots!

This past Sunday L did not want to leave the church nursery, first time ever that he sent me away. He continued to play “church” when we got home. Here he is leading his choir.

Watching the Game

L’s naps in the afternoon are few and far between. I still make him have rest time in the afternoon so that I can have a nap. Tuesday when I went to get him out of the crib after his hour he was chatting non stop. He and his two friends Mr Lion and Gee were sitting at the back of the crib watching the game. L was calling the play by play action and even bounced across the crib like a basketball and cheered “score”. Apparently we have a budding basketball fan after watching the Spurs and the Celtics play Sunday afternoon.

With so much energy to burn we went outside to play in the snow. It is melting outside so L was tossing snowballs into the puddles.

Are those Robins?

L and I went outside to play in the fresh snow this morning. I think we got about 6 inches of snow before it changed to rain/freezing rain this afternoon. On our way back in I saw half a dozen robins flitting about. I did a double take because even though it is only minus 7, it is still overall freezing temperatures with 2 feet of snow on the ground. They really were robins and it doesn’t feel like spring just yet. So I did some research on migration of robins and I guess they migrate if they run out of food (which is fruit when they can’t get earthworms). According to the link, robins were sighted in 2007 earlier than February 22nd in Manitoba.

A 2 year old is fun

Until now I have enjoyed L, but always looked forward to what he would do next. Lately I have found myself wishing he could stay 2 years old, he won’t be this cute at 14.

Licking the batter off of the beater and sneaking some chocolate chips.

Discovering a helium balloon from the grocery store for the first time.

Nothing is quite as cozy as sleeping in Mom and Dad’s bed.

Funny Snowman

It wasn’t ideal snowman making conditions as there was an ice crust, but we did manage to make a little snowman before the rain started again. L thought that our snowman looked funny without a hat, but I wasn’t willing to donate one to the cause.

Hope that everyone is keeping warm in sunny Manitoba.