Author: Lowell
New Snow
Back from Holiday
Visitors from New Brunswick
Two of Pam’s cousins recently moved from Manitoba to New Brunswick. Since Massachusetts is much closer to New Brunswick than Manitoba is, it made sense for us to spend Christmas together. So we did. L became so fond of them that he wanted to go back to New Brunswick with them. Perhaps it was the boots.
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
We got several large dumps of snow and sleet over the weekend. True to form, the authorities around here got excited and started issuing cancellations and closures. Apparently six inches of snow nearly warrants declaring a state of emergency.
We welcomed the snow. It made our day today feel more like Christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone. May you have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
(If you click on this picture, you’ll get a high-resolution file.)
At Long Last
It’s official. I’m ABD! (For more about what ‘ABD‘ means, see One Step Closer.) The readers of my Starred Paper thought my paper was “clear, made important points, and generally displayed a mastery of the material.” Seems they thought more highly of my paper than I did. Well, their opinions are the ones that matter. I won’t argue. Now for that massive project they call ‘a dissertation’.
Observation From Last Night’s Election
No matter what your political views are, you have to appreciate the significance of what happened last night. In a country where African Americans have experienced at least two centuries of varying degrees of mistreatment, having an African American attain America’s highest political office is a hugely significant event. What brought this home for me were two scenes that were shown after Obama had finished his post-election speech. One was a shot of Oprah and one was a shot of Jesse Jackson; both had tears streaming down their cheeks. I found myself getting all choked-up. Not because I’m particularly fond of either of them or have an emotional connection to them, but because their tears seemed to be tangible evidence that something big was going on behind the scenes, namely, healing. I had the same reaction this summer when I was working in the backyard and overheard Harper’s public apology to the First Nations Peoples for the whole Residential Schools affair. Neither Harper’s apology nor Obama’s win signaled an end to First Nations or African American issues, but I do think that they accomplished something of nearly seismic proportions: they made it possible for the respective issues to move to the next stage in the resolution and healing process. Perhaps they signaled the beginning of the end of these issues.
One Step Closer
I’m one step closer to being ABD–‘ABD’ stands for ‘All But Dissertation’, which refers to one’s status as a graduate student when one has completed all the requirements for one’s PhD except the dissertation. On Monday I passed my Area Exam, a 1.5-hour grilling, conducted by three faculty members, on about twenty books or papers relevant to my anticipated thesis topic. My Area Exam Committee worked me pretty hard, but I said enough of the right things for them to give me a passing grade. Woot!
The Keystone Arches
Last year, at about this time, Aunt Ivy came to visit. While she was out, we went to see some old railway bridges in western Massachusetts. Today, we decided to show the same bridges to Grandma and Grandpa.
Hmmm. How far is the drop on the other side of this rock wall?
If Grandma needs to poke the ground with sticks when she walks, then I should try it too.