A Sad Day

It’s a sad day in Spurs-land. A mere week after I thought my San Antonio Spurs were on their way to bigger and better things after beating the Dallas Mavericks in the first round, they get swept by the Phoenix Suns. Sigh. Well, at least they were beaten by the classy Canadian, Steve Nash. And maybe Nash deserves the series win. Maybe all the series wins over the Suns in the past caught up with the Spurs and the Suns are now the team benefiting from good karma. Anyway, I think I’m now cheering for the Suns to beat the Lakers and go to the finals. Go Canada!

A Change of Course

For at least a month now, Pam and I have been trying to decide whether to stay here in Massachusetts till I finish my degree or move back to Winnipeg this summer and finish my degree from there. Being home at Christmas really made us aware of how much we miss it. We spent most of January wishing we were living in Winnipeg instead of here. We were also aware of how a move back to Winnipeg could negatively affect my work. It’s not an uncommon occurrence for a PhD candidate to move away from his advisor and fellow graduate students and never finish his degree. I’m not sure we were completely ready to make the decision yet, but—I won’t go into all the details—certain deadlines were looming and we had to make the call. We’ve decided to move back to Winnipeg this summer. We don’t know yet when exactly the move will take place, though, if it were up to us, we would move sometime in June or early July. We look forward to seeing all of you again. Anyone want to come help us with the move?

Adding to the Fleet

When in New England, do as the New Englanders do. And what, you might ask, is it that New Englanders do? They drive “Subies.” New Englanders have long been fans of all-wheel-drive vehicles. There are lots of hills around and, when winter dumps snow and ice on the roads, they can be a challenge to negotiate. But New Englanders also tend to be of the tree-hugger variety. Many of them would rather be caught dead than driving a truck-sized SUV. That’s why they drive Subarus. We wanted to fit in (pun intended) so we went out and bought one too.

Our Jetta, which we are still very fond of, was getting to be a bit on the small side. With K’s car seat behind the driver’s seat, I could hardly get in and out from behind the wheel. And if the front passenger seat was too far back, L didn’t have enough room to climb into his own seat. We knew we would need a bigger vehicle sooner or later and, after convincing ourselves that we could afford one sooner, decided to start shopping.

We quickly realized that we weren’t going to be able to get everything we wanted. For one, nothing that was going to be a legitimate size upgrade from the Jetta was going to be able to touch its gas-mileage. A few of the larger 5-seaters we drove were rated to get almost 30 mpg (miles per gallon) on highway driving, but anything with more than 5 seat belts barely broke the 20 mpg threshold. We also realized that the only vehicles that were going to drive like our Autobahn-engineered VW, weren’t going to be big enough or tough enough to haul us and all of our camping gear on future road trips and camping excursions. In the end, we tried to get a bit of everything: more room, respectable mileage, and something that wouldn’t balk at a heavier load. We settled on a Subaru Outback.

We had fun plying the salesmen with questions they’d never fielded before. Would the warranty be honored in the event that the car moved to Canada? Does the car come equipped with a block heater? (Around here, block heaters are optional equipment.) Negotiating a price wasn’t quite as much fun. But in the end we were confident we got a good price. We drove the Outback home on Thursday after waiting for a few days for the dealership to order the block heater and install it. We cringe as we watch L climb into the vehicle with his snow and dirt covered boots, but it’s fun to drive and we can’t wait to take it camping.

Philosophy of Religion

For those of you who are interested in knowing a bit more about what I spend my time doing, you can find the website for the course I will be teaching this semester here. It’s a course in the philosophy of religion in which I and my students will discuss arguments for and against the existence of God, questions about whether religious beliefs require evidence, and some general issues regarding religion in the public realm. If you are interested in reading some of the things my students will be reading, send me an email via the address in the Contact Information page on the site and I will make it available to you.

Memorable Movie

I had a memorable movie experience over the weekend. Though I watched the movie together with Pam, I don’t know if the movie was as memorable for her as it was for me. It was a foreign language film and I could understand the language better than she could. What language was it in? Low German, of course! The movie was Stellet Licht (Silent Light in English). It is set in a community of Mexican Mennonites and is about a man who has an affair and then must deal with the effects the affair on his relationships with his wife and children. Because the Low German dialect was a little different than the one I grew up around, I wasn’t able to catch all of the dialogue. However, I didn’t have to rely on the subtitles completely and I was even able to pick out some places where the subtitles slightly misrepresented what was actually said. The pace of the movie was a bit on the slow side, but it managed to hold my attention. It provided a fascinating view of life in a Mexican Mennonite community.

One of the most memorable scenes in the movie occurs after one of the main characters dies. While some family members prepare the body for final viewing and burial, others, all dressed in black, sit in a large circle around the perimeter of an adjacent room. Most of the time is spent in silence, but sometimes they sing. After the body has been prepared, people are permitted to go and say their last goodbyes. Although I’ve never been part of such a funeral event, I’m sure the scene would be a familiar one to my grandparents.

There were other memorable scenes in the movie, though they weren’t memorable for the same reasons. One, in particular, involved the main character and the woman with which he was having an affair. (Only readers who are familiar with conservative Mennonites will know why this scene was so memorable.) Imagine a woman in a floral-print dress and black kerchief and a man in jeans and sweat-matted hair standing in the middle of a field of long grass. Now imagine them in a passionate kiss that seems to go on for hours.

Back Home…Barely

Although we were eventually sleeping in our own beds Monday night, getting there was a bit of an ordeal. We knew that there were going to be several hurdles during our trip back: our connection in the Twin Cities was going to be a tight one; we were going to have to do some paperwork at US Customs–Pam isn’t going back to work immediately, so we had to put her back on my visa as a dependent–and we were going to have to deal with heightened security measures–since the attempted bombing over Christmas, there have been additional restrictions on what passengers on flights into the US originating in Canada have been able to carry on to the airplane with them. We did our homework beforehand. We went to various websites to see what the new policies were. We even called Delta Airlines to make sure that we packed appropriately. Then we made sure to give ourselves plenty of time at the airport.

The stop over at US Customs went smoothly. Then we pushed our luggage over to the security checkpoint and discovered that the person we spoke to on the phone at Delta wasn’t on the same wavelength as the security personnel at the airport. After patting all of us down–even L had to “spread em”–they gave us grief about each of the bags we wanted to take on the plane with us. First, they took issue with the backpack in which L’s toys and books for the plane ride and K’s diapers and such were in. Then they took issue with our camera bag. Finally, they took issue with the bag I use to carry around my laptop, work documents, and reading material. We eventually talked them into letting us take the diaper bag with the toys and books and the camera bag with the portable DVD player, but they wouldn’t let me take the bag I use to carry around my laptop. They said it wasn’t a “laptop bag”, which, according to them, was a bag that only contained a laptop. Delta’s website said that I could take a “briefcase” and the person I spoke to said that each passenger with a seat could take a “personal item”. The security personnel obviously hadn’t received the same instructions. Eventually, I took the laptop, wallet, keys, and cellphone out of my bag and let them check it. I thought to myself, “If they let us take the other two bags if I check my laptop bag/briefcase, then I’ll let it go.” I was still steaming when we went to the flight deck and I discovered that many of the other passengers sitting around were holding bags that looked remarkably similar to the one I had just been compelled to check. Not only were the security people not on the same page as Delta’s, they didn’t seem to be consistent in executing their own policies.

When we got to the flight deck, we realized that our flight was going to be about three quarters of an hour late. Originally, we were going to have about an hour and fifteen minutes to make our connection in the Twin Cities. The person behind the desk assured us that we wouldn’t have any trouble making the connection. She turned out to be correct, but she failed to mention that it wasn’t going to be as easy for our luggage to make the short connection. Only one of our five checked items made it to Hartford with us. One of the missing item’s was L’s car seat. The claims person gave us a carseat and we were finally able to get in the car and drive home to bed.

The luggage came the next day. One of our suitcases, however, arrived covered in shrink-wrap. The suitcase had been opened by security. I guess the containers of Lego and the other Christmas gifts inside looked suspicious on the scanner monitor. I had spent about an hour packing the bag carefully so that we could get as much into it as possible. The security person obviously didn’t have as much time to repack the suitcase after inspecting it and had just used shrink-wrap to close it up again.

Anyway, the holidays are over and we’re safely back in Massachusetts.

Manitoba Christmas Part 2

Well, the holiday season is drawing to a close. In a few days we’ll be tackling the new security measures put in place at the airport after the latest attempted bombing. Until then, we’ll try to get in a few more days of Manitoba cold weather. Here K is enjoying the company of Aunt I, Aunt I’s friend from China, P, and cousin C. Cousin C has two months on K, but it’s already obvious that K has grown several inches since she was born.

One of L’s favorite Christmas gifts came from Aunt C, who made him his very own train engineer’s hat. It fit him perfectly, and he spent the first 20 minutes after unwrapping the hat running around, pretending that he was driving a train.

There hasn’t been any shortage of horse-and-sleigh rides this Christmas. Here we are hooking up Uncle B’s prize team of Belgians, Ernie and Bert.

It stormed a few days and left some nice, hard drifts. We spent an hour pretending we were kids and built a snow fort.

Manitoba Christmas Part 1

It’s been an eventful week. Our flight went without a hitch and we landed safely in Manitoba last Thursday. Apparently our arrival chased away deep-freeze temperatures and replaced them with much more bearable ones. Although Christmas day hasn’t officially passed, we’ve already celebrated Christmas with the Friesens and Pletts and we’ve been able to reconnect with some friends and family that we hadn’t seen in about a year. For K, this was her first time meeting her extended family. Her female cousins, J and C, were glad to see her.

L also got to celebrate his birthday. The cake with dinosaurs on it was a real hit.

Early Christmas

We’re flying to Manitoba for the holidays tomorrow, so we celebrated an early Christmas here in Massachusetts yesterday. We went out for breakfast in the morning, and then we came home to see what Santa had brought. L got a stable complete with horses, bales, and sliding stall doors. K got a doll. She’s not really into dolls yet, but she was in a good mood and was really photogenic.